The Moving Picture Show

The Sounds of Silents

Long before the modern days of digital movies and surround sound, well over a Hundred years ago, some magical images flickered on a screen to the astonishment of patrons seeing a moving picture for the first time. These first cinema-goers were captivated by the wonders of cinema, sitting in their seats in awe of what they had seen for the first time in history and so the birth of modern storytelling began.

The cinema would fill with people not knowing what to expect. The lights would dim, the screen would fire up and as the images danced up on the screen music would transport them to another world.

Join us for an afternoon of unforgettable cinema.

The Sentimental Bloke

Civic Theatre, 16 Macmahon Street, Hurstville, NSW 2220
March 1 at 2pm

For enquiries and bookings



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Jan Thorp

Mobile: 0475500001

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Mobile : 0475500001

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